Friday, October 1, 2010

101 in 1001- September update

14) Finish my correspondence course.
As noted here, I decided to just drop the correspondence course because I simply cannot complete it in time without totally derailing my more important grad school studies. Even then, I'm not sure it'd be possible. My first list failure. Boo. Maybe I'll have money/inclination to take it again within these next 3 years. I probably won't.

19) Read 1 unassigned book per month.
July '10- Ann Patchett Run
August '10- Alice Munro Lives of Girls and Women
September '10- John Berendt Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

23) See 26 movies I've never seen, starting with each letter of the alphabet.
L- Louder Than Bombs (Glosniej od bomb) (2001)
(going with the English title here for my own purposes and because I watched and understood it with subtitles.)

24) Learn 1 new word a week and use it.
We're officially striking the "use it" part of this from the record. I simply don't talk to enough people lately to bust out my new words and Marla doesn't care. Your words for September are as follows:
Instantiate- represent as or by an instance
Propaedeutic- serving as a preliminary instruction or as an introduction to further study
Internecine- destructive to both sides in a conflict
Froward- (of a person) difficult to deal with; contrary
(I don't know if I should feel smug/cheerful/embarrassed that all of these came form my own reading, not from's "Word of the Day." I think I will go with a mix of all 3, maybe with "smug" coming out ahead by just a HAIR.)

62) Visit 10 historical sites in New Orleans.
1) Preservation Hall- I know this isn't an actual National Historic Landmark, but I feel like it's historic enough to warrant mention on this list. Christie and I did this on our Satchmo Walking Tour. I'd love to go back and actually hear some music when I get money.
2) Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop- I had actually never heard of this place. My uncle took my cousin and me here when she was in town visiting from Oregon. I had a Coke, because I felt unwell. Maybe next time, I will go swill rum.

80) Update and start reusing iCal.
If I stop using it, I will withdraw this, but for now, I have been using iCal non-stop. I even list my bills on there (due and paid dates)!


Also, some housekeeping!:
36) Do 200 sit-ups in one sitting.
This has been edited from 100 to 200 sit ups, due to this challenge.

A question for you (this is probably just a question for Ann, but anyone else, feel free to chime in)!--Should I add any parades to this list?
88) Go to all the major Mardi Gras parades.
Krewe du Vieux

Full list here

1 comment:

  1. parade list looks good to me!
