Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm gearing up for my semesterly stomachache of death. I can feel the coffee churning.

Things to do in the next couple of months, in no particular order:
-Finish all necessary reading for 30 page paper
-Write 30 page paper
-Write last Ethics paper (note: pick topic?
-Festival International
-Plant tomato, bell pepper and herb seeds
-Apply to take general and subject GRE's
-Compile Ph.D program info
-Compile law school program info, particularly info about public sector
-Look into scholarship opportunities
-Sign up for Hollygrove volunteer spots
-Look into volunteer opportunities with STAIR and ARF
-Look at other non-profit volunteer stuff
-Buy books for summer religion class
-Buy replacement mesh filter for French press
-Join apartment gardening forum
-Call dean back to ask about doing thesis in the Fall
-Buy tupperware containers
-Buy new earbuds
-Look into potential writing gigs
-Write GoodNola article on food co-op
-Take a pregnancy test to prove to Alyson that I'm not pregnant ;)
-Put pictures on external HD
-Redownload Skype so I can talk to Blair while he's in France
-Upload all financial info to and plot budget
-Draw up meal plan, grocery list, and weight loss goals
-Meet with tattoo person about potential new tattoo
-Visit Gym Matrix to look around, inquire about signing up
-Buy Columbus plane ticket for Mike and Jarod's wedding


4/28 edit- I obviously have no problem browsing Amazon and spending money when I feel like procrastinating!


  1. Godspeed-- I feel physically sick even thinking about writing my to-do list.

  2. Godspeed to you too my love. Writing it out helps me but I know it can also be overwhelming. When the semester ends, we should have a drink.
